Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dog exercising

I saw this on youtube just now. This is so cute!

As a result, I went on to check the details of this type of dog. And I found that it's called Border Collie. Oh boy, Imma gonna buy this dog next time!

Earth hour

Are you supporting earth hour now?! I've just realised that it's earth hour now. Yeah, I've already switched off the light while typing this post. It's so....difficult to type. Thank god the screen gives me a lil bit of light! I'm glad more people are aware of this and have shown their support to this act.

Friday, March 26, 2010


When we were young, we study hard so that we could land a good job after graduating. After that most people work their ass off  from 9 to 5 work to buy a new car and a house. Soon, they look forward to getting married and have children. Then they are dying for their children to grow up so that they don't have to worry about them anymore. When that time comes they hope to retire soon. All of a sudden, they realised they have not lived their lives.
More often than not, we spend too much time looking forward to achieving our goals that we forgot to live in the moment. Enjoy every little detail in life. Even when we're having a simple meal, be thankful that we get to enjoy the meal. Enjoy the ride in your car while you drive to work. Enjoy the rain. Happiness is a choice. We can choose to enjoy or curse everything. And when we enjoy every single thing we do in life, we'll feel happy and fulfilled.