Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's the purpose of your life?

Most people study hard and work hard. True? Everyone is dying to complete their degree back in their Universities. After graduating they found that they are caught in a rat race. They just can't stop working 9-5 else they'll be in debt. Those who bought car, took loans, bought insurance, or any kinda thing that requires them to pay monthly installment would find themselves in big trouble if they stop working.

This may sound daunting but most people would gradually get used to this kind of lifestyle not knowing where they're heading. I personally feel whatever we do, we need to know the purpose and meaning. To me, "purpose" and "meaning" are both sacred words as without a purpose and meaningful life, what is life to u?

Confucius once said "choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Agree? This is what I believe firmly. If u love drawing and naturally you'll be spending a lot of time drawing. But you'll not complain. You won't be depressed. But you will be deeply engrossed with what you're doing- drawing as an artist. If you're an author, you can spend all your time writing your novel/book. Because it's meaningful to you and you enjoy doing it.

Somehow, it's sad to see how many gloomy faces when I'm taking train to work every morning. And yes, I might be one of them except that I don't really feel gloomy as I have a purpose in my mind when I'm heading to work. I used to drag myself out of the bed when I was working in a company doing things I don't enjoy doing. I won't say what I'm doing now is my passion/interest but it's something I'd like to learn.

I believe, if everyone is pursuing their passion, what they love to do, then their life is worth living just as what Socrates said - "The greatest tragedy in life is to spend your whole life fishing only to discover it’s not fish that you were after". So what is the "fish" you're looking for?